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Continuous Casting






Wire Rod

Electrolytic copper is the most widely used material for electrical energy and signal transmissions that are the most fundamental and essential requirements of the modern world. The copper rod which is the main input material for the plants making copper conductors is produced metuculously by people devoted to their jobs at ER-8AKIR Continuous Casting and Hot Rolling Plant. The liquid copper obtained by melting cathodes in the shaft furnace flows first into the holding furnace and then is directed through launders and tundish to the casting machine. One of the important factors influencing the quality of the rod is the solidification process which takes place in the HAZELETT casting machine. The hot cast bar 50 obtained is transformed to rod in the rolling mill. The rod then passes a pickling line where it gets a bright surface, cools down and is sprzr,'ed with a protective solution and then directed to the coiler. There, it is formed into coils. The production is completed by the packing operation. In 1985, ER-BAKIR has started wire rod production by continuous technology of Italian Properzi with 7tonnes/h capacity. With the know-how and experience gained in time, in 1999, CONTIROD plant furnished by modern automation systems with 18 tonnes/h capacity is implemented. In 2009, after renovation of CONTIROD plant, capacity is increased to 30 tonnes/hour.The capacity of CONTIROD plant has been increased to 30 ton/hour with the investment in 2009

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