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As Er-Bakır, with more than 40 years of experience in the sector, we consider sustainability as an important part of our corporate culture not only in production but also in human resources and the environment. 

We do not waste even 1 gram of copper used in our production, and we care about sustainable resource utilization by reprocessing it. 

Talent management and employee welfare are the cornerstones of our business. By providing continuous training and development opportunities, we aim to adapt to changing business needs and produce innovative solutions. At the same time, we strive to improve working conditions and ensure work-life balance. We support the sharing of ideas through open communication channels to discover the potential of our employees and improve their well-being. Together, we continue to build a more sustainable future through cooperation and team spirit.

We consider the effective and efficient use of water as part of our basic policy and strategic plan. Accordingly, we strive to minimize water consumption by continuously monitoring the use of water in our facilities and creating action plans to reduce it. We support water sustainability by using the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System to assess and manage the risks of water resources.

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By focusing on renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels, we reduce carbon emissions and minimize water use by providing power through solar panels. In this way, we reduce our environmental impact by protecting water resources.

By focusing on wastewater recovery and chemical treatment processes, we ensure the efficient use of water resources and strive to minimize environmental impact.
We aim to limit our impact on the climate by increasing energy efficiency in all our activities, reduce greenhouse gas and other air emissions, ensure effective management of resources by using alternative or renewable energy sources and reduce our environmental footprint.


We classify the practices we carry out within the scope of sustainable clean production under two main headings:


Waste reduction at source and reduction of resource consumption.

Reuse and/or recycling.

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Water Management

As ER-BAKIR, we take into account the demands of process and manufacturing activities and focus on the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner. We see ensuring the beneficial use of water and monitoring water quality and consumption as part of our strategic planning and basic policy.

Our company monitors wastewater quality requirements within the framework of local legislation and permits, and continues to work with the awareness that wastewater is an alternative resource to further reduce the environmental impact of water discharges. In line with our sustainability efforts, we continuously monitor the amount of water used for process and humanitarian purposes in emulsion preparation, cooling, irrigation and cleaning processes in all our operations and create action plans to reduce consumption. 


Our Company utilizes the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in its facilities within the scope of the assessment and management of water-related risks.

In order to ensure the sustainability of water resources, we attach importance to production processes and the technologies that support them, and we realize our investments in this direction. 

For this ;

  • Monitoring water consumption and eliminating water leakages,

  • Prefers Dry Processes,

  • It sets targets and regulations to reduce chemical consumption,

  • It organizes washing and rinsing processes,

  • Closed circuit systems are becoming widespread in cooling systems,

  • It creates storage systems for rainwater harvesting,

  • It is re-planning the process for less energy consumption in the waste treatment plant,

  • Projects and investments for waste heat recovery,

  • It carries out training activities to increase the awareness and consciousness of employees,


We meet our energy needs from renewable sources as much as possible,


We invest in technologies that consume less energy.

Atık su

Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretimi ve Kullanımı: GES

As Er-Bakır, with more than 40 years of experience in the sector, we consider sustainability as an important part of our corporate culture not only in production but also in human resources and the environment. 

We do not waste even 1 gram of copper used in our production, and we care about sustainable resource utilization by reprocessing it. 

Talent management and employee welfare are the cornerstones of our business. By providing continuous training and development opportunities, we aim to adapt to changing business needs and produce innovative solutions. At the same time, we strive to improve working conditions and ensure work-life balance. We support the sharing of ideas through open communication channels to discover the potential of our employees and improve their well-being. Together, we continue to build a more sustainable future through cooperation and team spirit.

We consider the effective and efficient use of water as part of our basic policy and strategic plan. Accordingly, we strive to minimize water consumption by continuously monitoring the use of water in our facilities and creating action plans to reduce it. We support water sustainability by using the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System to assess and manage the risks of water resources.

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Kimyasal Arıtma ve Su Geri Kazanımı

By focusing on renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels, we reduce carbon emissions and minimize water use by providing power through solar panels. In this way, we reduce our environmental impact by protecting water resources.

By focusing on wastewater recovery and chemical treatment processes, we ensure the efficient use of water resources and strive to minimize environmental impact.
We aim to limit our impact on the climate by increasing energy efficiency in all our activities, reduce greenhouse gas and other air emissions, ensure effective management of resources by using alternative or renewable energy sources and reduce our environmental footprint.


We classify the practices we carry out within the scope of sustainable clean production under two main headings:


Waste reduction at source and reduction of resource consumption.

Reuse and/or recycling.

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Isı Geri Kazanımı ve Enerji Verimliliği

2023 yılında devreye aldığımız ‘’SÜREKLİ DÖKÜM BACASINDAN ATIK ISI GERİ KAZANIMI’’ projesi ile atık ısı geri kazanımıyla buhar üretimi yapılmıştır. Bu proje ile buhar tüketimimizin %4 ‘lük kısmı bu sistemden karşılanmaktadır.

Tüm faaliyetlerimizde enerji verimliliğinin arttırılması, iklim üzerindeki etkilerin sınırlandırılması, sera gazı ve diğer hava emisyonlarının azaltılmasını, bakır tel ve filmaşin üretim süreçlerinde alternatif veya yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanılmasını ve alternatif hammaddeler kullanarak üretim süreçlerimizde kaynakların etkin yönetimini hedefliyoruz.

Faaliyetlerimizi sürdürürken çevresel ayak izimizi azaltmayı en önemli önceliklerimizden biri olarak görüyoruz. Bu amaçla tesislerimizde enerji verimliliğini mümkün olan en üst seviyeye çıkarmak, enerjiyi temiz kaynaklardan elde etmek, sera gazı ve diğer kirletici hava emisyonlarını azaltarak döngüsel ekonomi bakış açısıyla geri kazanım oranlarını artırmak, sıfır atık anlayışı ile etkin bir atık yönetim hiyerarşisini tüm sahalarda uygulamak ve biyoçeşitliliği koruyarak etkileri en aza indirmek üzere çalışmalarımıza devam ediyoruz.

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