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Human Resources

Genel Bilgi

Our Human Resources Policies

  • To develop and maintain value-creating human resources practices to achieve the company vision and business results.

  • To ensure that our organizational structure is kept dynamic in line with our strategic goals and is ready for all changes that will provide competitive advantage in the market.

  • To ensure the creation and development of organizational competencies in line with business strategies that will support the targeted performance for the sustainable growth of the company.

  • To ensure that a strong employer brand is created and that the qualified workforce that will carry the company into the future is recruited to the organization and that it is permanent.

  • To ensure that our cultural diversity and differences are transformed into opportunities that create value.

  • To ensure the creation and continuity of highly committed, motivated, innovative and value-creating teams within the framework of company values and principles.

  • To ensure that an open, effective and sharing communication environment is created and sustainable.

  • To ensure the creation and sustainability of a healthy, safe and peaceful working environment.

  • To ensure that team performance enhancing practices are effective and sustainable in order to use human resources in the most effective way and direct them to high performance.

  • To ensure that a culture of appreciation and recognition is created and sustainable.


Trainings are recommended by the Human Resources Department, employee or supervisor based on performance evaluation results.

Training related to eliminating the competency gap emerges as a result of development center practices. Trainings are determined from the training dictionary. It is planned as two periods per year.

Training is divided into two: internal and external training. Trainers come from inside and outside the company. Trainings provided outside the company are provided through domestic or international training and consultancy companies. In addition, our training needs are met through e-learning.

Work Conditions

All operators and shift supervisors on the production lines, as well as our cleaning and cafeteria staff, work in shifts.

Shift work at Er-Bakır, 6 days a week
07:30 – 15.30
15.30 – 23.30
It is between 23.30 – 07.30.

Our other employees work between 08:30 and 18:30, 5 days a week.

Annual performance evaluation meetings of white-collar employees are determined based on both one-on-one interviews and the results of simulations and interviews held in the "Development Center". The information obtained after performance evaluation interviews is used in determining personal development training and career development.


Wage increases are made once a year, at the beginning of the calendar year. HAY GROUP wage management systems are applied for our White Collar employees and MIDS wage management systems are applied for our Blue Collar employees.

In our organization, various additional benefits are provided to employees, subject to minimum legal requirements. The amount and variety of material and in-kind opportunities we provide are reviewed every year and adjusted according to current conditions, and all our employees are provided with e-media, billboards, speeches, etc. It is announced through channels.

In addition, the necessary environment is provided for the personal development of our employees (For example; training for individual development, participation in conferences, supporting their participation in foreign language development programs, master's degree, doctorate, etc.).

İnsan Hakları ve İş'te Eşitlik

Er-Bakır’da tüm İnsan Kaynakları süreç ve uygulamalarında “fırsat eşitliğine önem vererek, farklılıklara ve etik değerlere saygılı olmak” prensibi ile çalışmaktayız. Çeşitliliğin ve çok kültürlülüğün organizasyonumuzu zenginleştirdiğine inanıyor, farklılıkları değer kabul ediyoruz. Çalışanlarımızın yaş, cinsiyet, inanç, etnik köken veya ayrımcılık unsuru olarak değerlendirilebilecek diğer kişisel nitelikleri İK süreçlerimizde belirleyici unsur değildir. Eşit işe eşit ücret ve eşit haklar anlayışını benimsiyor, operasyonlarımız dahilinde hiçbir ayrımcı uygulamaya izin vermiyoruz.

İnsan hakları anlayışımızın bir parçası olarak, faaliyetlerimiz kapsamında zorla ve zorunlu çalıştırma, çocuk istihdamı gibi uygulamalara izin vermiyoruz. İnsan hakları konusunda tedarikçi ve iş ortaklarımızdan da benzer bir yaklaşım benimsemelerini, operasyonları dâhilinde ilkelerimize uyumlu hareket etmelerini bekliyoruz. Bu nedenle, tedarikçi ve iş ortaklarımızla yaptığımız hizmet ve yatırım sözleşmelerinde çalışma ilkelerimizi belirterek bu konudaki uyumu garanti altına alıyoruz.

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